If you’re attending a marketing event to promote your property or attraction, the work can begin
well before the event and isn’t finished when the trade show exhibits are
packed away. Follow these tips for beforehand and afterwards and you can help
ensure that you have a successful trade show, whether you’re a complete newbie
or a veteran marketer.
- Make Sure Your Materials Are Being Shipped To The Correct Place
It’s also a good idea to make sure that your company’s name
is clearly labeled on the inside of each box or shipping crate. These crates can sometimes become damaged in
transit and it could be a disaster if the container is damaged and no one knows
where the contents belong.
- Think About What You Want To Accomplish With Your Trade Show Exhibits
- Make Good On Your Promises
Even if you didn’t promise information, you should still follow up with people you met at your trade show booth. If someone filled out a lead card, but it didn’t seem like they were a hot lead, make sure that you call to check in every once in a while. They were interested enough to visit your booth at the event so it’s possible that their needs could change in the future. Take care to not seem over-aggressive, however, since aggressive tactics can turn customers away.
While these tips aren’t complicated, they are extremely
important if you want to maximize sales from a trade show marketing event. Use these, but realize that they’re not the
only things you should be doing. Sit
down with your staff and see if you can come up with other tasks that can help
ensure your event is a success.
For more ideas contact our sales department.